Md Rahamat Ali Md Rahamat Ali

Fresh Perspective • Strong Leadership • Results that Work for Oklahoma

Robert Keyes knows the challenges Oklahomans face because he’s lived them. From growing up in poverty to working his way through the oil fields, and then building his own businesses and earning trust and confidence by facing down big government bureaucracy to protect private property and small businesses, Robert Keyes has spent decades fighting and winning, putting hard-working Oklahomans first.

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Md Rahamat Ali Md Rahamat Ali

Oklahoma is Facing Real Challenges - Robert has the Keys to Real Solutions that Work for you!

Where I Stand on the Issues:

Real Solutions for Oklahoma Families: Inflation is skyrocketing. We have budget surpluses at the capitol, yet our legislature has not lowered income taxes nor provided relief by eliminating the state portion of the grocery tax. Oklahomans deserve to keep more of their paychecks in their own pocket - and I'll work to ensure that happens.

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