Oklahoma is Facing Real Challenges - Robert has the Keys to Real Solutions that Work for you!

“As a businessman who has fought back against federal bureaucracy for over 30 years, championing and delivering Oklahoma solutions that are through our innovations and ingenuity - I know from experience that individual Oklahomans, as well as small and large businesses here in our state, can develop workable solutions - far better than pencil pushers imagining what they think could work from offices thousands of miles away, paid for by wasted tax dollars.”
— – Robert Keyes

Where I Stand on the Issues:

Real Solutions for Oklahoma Families: Inflation is skyrocketing. We have budget surpluses at the capitol, yet our legislature has not lowered income taxes nor provided relief by eliminating the state portion of the grocery tax. Oklahomans deserve to keep more of their paychecks in their own pocket - and I'll work to ensure that happens.

Business Development: Oklahoma's leaders pour massive amounts of resources into recruiting new businesses to move into our state. I'm all for new industries and emerging opportunities, but we would get a much better rate of return by investing in and supporting the businesses already here as a priority. Over the last ten years, more than 2000 businesses in Oklahoma have filed for bankruptcy, and we must take steps to reverse that trend. As a longtime supporter of our Nation's veteran community, our Nation's finest deserve a special priority to ensure they have a smooth transition from service to our country to the private workforce. I will also champion the oil and gas industry and the families that continue to be an essential component of our state's entire economic structure while working with commerce to support our core businesses and emerging market opportunities.

Education: Our country has been blessed with each generation achieving a higher standard of living than the previous generation- which maintains our leadership worldwide. Oklahoma's children deserve to be positioned for success in the leading industry skill requirements - science, technology, engineering, and math. I'll fight to make sure that we put the focus and priorities on our kids to achieve their future potential!

Immigration: Illegal immigration is devastating our community, just like it's devastating cities across the country. I have visited the US-Mexico border and personally seen the throngs of people crossing into our country and continuing their journey into other states. Joe Biden has failed us, so Oklahoma must remove the incentives for illegal immigrants to come to our state after breaking the law to cross our country's border.

Government Efficiency: Oklahoma's government agencies operate without proper transparency, oversight, and accountability. I will push for a complete diagnostic work-up of the entire system through performance audits. We must have thorough investigations of each budget to give us an accurate account of how every dime is spent within every state agency.

Health Care & Constitutional Rights: I believe in the dignity and sanctity of life, from pre-born to natural death, and fully support the constitutional right to defend life, liberty, and property. Oklahomans should be free to choose their health care providers and course of treatment. I am committed to expanding access to quality health care, and therefore quality outcomes, for Oklahomans.

Criminal Justice and Corrections: Public safety must always be our top priority. However, criminal justice and corrections are another example of our government spending money we do not have to get outcomes we do not want. I support conservative criminal justice reform that prioritizes public safety and gives taxpayers the best rate of return.

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Fresh Perspective • Strong Leadership • Results that Work for Oklahoma