Nov. 12, 2024 (Oklahoma City, Okla.) – The Oklahoma State Supreme Court acted this week on Robert Keyes’ Application and Petition that calls on the Court to compel the district court judge to address potential evidence of absentee ballot harvesting by the Lisa Standridge campaign in the recent August runoff for State Senate District 15 (SD-15).
The Oklahoma Supreme Court will hear oral presentations on Dec. 3 at 10:30am.
“Due to the Standridge campaign’s unwillingness to do what is right and address evidence of ballot harvesting by her campaign, I was compelled to take this matter to the State Supreme Court,” said Robert Keyes, prominent Oklahoma businessman and former Republican candidate for SD-15. “I am alarmed by the great lengths campaign officials, and shockingly, state institutions have gone to hide this evidence and erode integrity in our election system. Oklahomans deserve a trustworthy election system, and I will keep fighting to hold people accountable for clear violations of the law to inappropriately influence elections.”
Absentee ballot harvesting involving ten or more absentee ballots and absentee ballot affidavits is a felony, punishable by five years in prison, a $50,000 fine, or both. See 26 O.S. § 16-104.1(A). Moreover, it is also a felony under Oklahoma law for any person to direct or cause another person or persons to commit acts of ballot harvesting, which would include the candidate. See 26 O.S. § 16-104.1(B).
The consequence for committing the felony of absentee ballot harvesting would likely also prohibit a candidate, if involved, from either being eligible to be a candidate or from being elected to any “state, county, municipal, judicial or school office or any other elective office of any political subdivision of this state for a period of fifteen (15) years following completion of [their] sentence or during the pendency of any appeal of such conviction or plea.” 26 O.S. § 5-105a(A).
“When my campaign first discovered the evidence of ballot harvesting, we simply asked for a commitment to transparency and accountability by acknowledging such activity. Unfortunately, the Standridge campaign and the Oklahoma State and Cleveland County Election Boards have taken steps to prevent judicial inquiry into what is regarded as serious crimes, to suppress evidence, and to obstruct judicial findings,” said Keyes.
In the tightly contested August 27 runoff, Keyes narrowly trailed Lisa Standridge by a mere 55 votes. During a court-ordered recount, evidence of illegal absentee ballot harvesting surfaced along with other election irregularities involving the Standridge campaign, which some acts, if true, are considered felonies.
In his Supreme Court brief, Keyes points to specific Oklahoma statutes upholding the right to vote free from fraud, citing recent court rulings:
“Oklahoma takes quite seriously the need to protect the right of suffrage protected from fraud. Gentges v. Okla. State Election Bd., 2014 OK 8, ¶ 21, 319 P.3d 674, 679. Accordingly, it takes absentee ballot harvesting seriously. Under 26 O.S. § 14-101(A)(7), absentee ballot harvesting includes either notarizing or witnessing more absentee ballots than allowed by law. Under 26 O.S. § 14-108(A), the number of absentee ballots Standridge’s campaign treasurer could lawfully witness is zero. Under 26 O.S. § 14-108(B), the number of absentee ballots she could lawfully notarize is also zero.”
Keyes filed his extraordinary writ to the Oklahoma State Supreme Court after the district court failed to uphold an agreement by the parties, made on September 6, for the district court to make evidentiary rulings and render findings of fact and conclusions of law that included the evidence of illegal absentee ballot harvesting.
However, after the Standridge campaign and election boards reversed course on the agreement, which was read into the record, the district court entered an order without any reference to the serious crimes to be addressed. Keyes subsequently filed a motion for the district court to modify its ruling to include the issues agreed upon to resolve the irregularities hearing.
In direct contradiction to the settlement, the Standridge campaign and election boards opposed any consideration of the absentee ballot harvesting, seeking to limit public knowledge to the recount tally only. More concerning still, the Oklahoma State Election Board, who is charged with turning over evidence of absentee ballot harvesting to the district attorney’s office for prosecution, is aiding the Standridge campaign in seeking to suppress full disclosure of these potential crimes and other irregularities, thus preventing Oklahomans from understanding the complete truth of what transpired.
Key Case Filings:
When taking on extremists in Biden's big government federal bureaucracy, Robert Keyes is known to be "Tough as a Two-Dollar Steak." - and he has a record of winning! With your vote on June 18, Robert Keyes will work for YOU to defend Oklahoma freedoms, protect our ranches, farmlands and resources, keep our communities safe, defend the border, stop federal overreach, and be our champion to keep Oklahoma's future in our hands, not a dictated by the feds.
Robert Keyes is Conservative to the Core - and is asking for your vote to bring real solutions to our state government operations!
“In developing Workforce Oklahoma, Robert Keyes prioritize tangible results over empty promises. While others talk about change, he’s taken decisive actions to enhance our workforce, fostering real opportunities for growth and prosperity. His actions speak louder than words – choose a leader committed to making a difference”.*
*NGWA does not endorse State or Local political candidates. NGWA does support Mr. Keyes's stance on Smart Water Policies.
In The News
NonDoc Article: SD 15 candidate brings election concerns to OK Supreme Court
News9: Coverage of Keyes’ Case on Absentee Ballot Harvesting (starting at 2:51)
ICYMI: Robert Keyes comments on education in recent forum:
The Jake Merrick Show Friday October 11, 2024 (starting 30:36) Keyes discussing ballot harvesting
Frequently Asked Questions
May 24 - you can register online here
You must be an American citizen, and resident of Oklahoma, who will be at least 18 years of age on election day. (You may pre-register up to 6 months before turning 18, with your registration status becoming active on your birthday) In order to participate in the June 18 primary election, you must register to vote by May 24, 2024.
You can verify that you are registered to vote on the Republican ticket by visiting here. If you are not registered as a Republican party member, you may change your party registration up to the party switch deadline of March 30, 2024. After that point, you will not be able to change parties during the primary election season, and will only be able to vote for Robert Keyes if you are registered as a Republican party voter.
Robert would be honored to have your support and assistance - from walking in parades, helping to set up events, knocking doors and making calls, there's plenty to do to help spread the word! Please contact our campaign below.
You can verify your State Senate district residency at this link. Robert Keyes is running for State Senate, to represent neighbors living in Senate District 15.
Description text goes hereOklahoma allows for absentee ballot casting by mail, with appropriate voter identification. You may request an absentee ballot by following this link. A ballot will be mailed for you. The deadline to request an absentee ballot is June 3, 2024.
In addition, Oklahoma allows early in-person voting several days before the actual election date, at the following locations: Cleveland County Election Board, 641 E. Robinson, Norman, and also at the Moore Norman Technology Center, 13301 S. Penn, Oklahoma City, on the dates of June 13 & 14, from 8am to 6pm, and June 15 from 8am-2pm.
Simply bring your voter registration card and identification and you can cast your vote before election day!
Description text goes hereMark your calendar to vote on June 18th, then simply bring your voter registration card and identification to your local precinct poll (not sure where that is? Just visit to find your voting location!) between the hours of 7am to 7pm. And, be sure to remind you friends and family to vote too!
Then join us at the Election Night Watch Party to view the returns and celebrate the outcome of the election - more detail coming on that soon!
Robert would be honored to have your support and assistance - from walking in parades, helping to set up events, knocking doors and making calls, there's plenty to do to help spread the word! Please contact our campaign below.
If you did not get an answer here, contact us.

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